13 August, 2010

Idle Friday afternoon ranting...

We did mention this blog would feature food, grief management and various assorted oddities as well as software development so...

Curiously (and it's okay, I am planning to see a doctor), I am in no mood for chocolate. Even after a 13 hour marathon yesterday related to an expired root certificate:

Customer: Send me the certificate you're talking about
Customer: Try this one
Me: Er, this looks the same as the one I just sent you that doesn't work
Customer: Yes
Me: Errrr.....
(2000 unsent messages, 13 hours, 10 people and some hysterical laughter - on my part - later... workaround agreed on and implemented until root cert renewed)

Anyways, I can attest to the fact that Kokako bliss balls are quite a tasty, healthy alternative to chocolately treats. They have dates, figs, maple syrup, cocoa, sunflower seeds... The kind of stuff that would make Ross roll his eyes and reach for a two litre bottle of Coke (although his eyes did unglaze briefly at the mention of maple syrup and cocoa... well, they would have... if he was around to amuse me for the remainder of this work day... Probably too busy drinking tequila in Mexico - the world IS unfair, kids...) Roll on the weekend!

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