26 October, 2010

Unit Testing Peskiness

Long time, no post, but I'm back. At least for this one note to self that I know I'll forget later.

So, let's say you're creating unit tests in VS2010 with MSTest. Let's also say that you're checking your code coverage along the way to watch your progress, and let's also say that there's always a pesky percentage point or 2 that comes up as Not Covered and just greatly inhibits the joy you'd like to be experiencing by seeing 100% code coverage.

What's more, let's say that those uncovered portions are always in Visual Studio generated code for 'MySettings', and you're not using 'MySettings', so you have no need to test 'MySettings'.

There is a handy-dandy attribute that can exclude bits from code coverage calculations, called logically enough: System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.ExcludeFromCodeCoverageAttribute().

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